Shenyan is joining us from the MDTP program to do her PhD with us
Welcome Hollie!
Hollie is joining us from the Neuroscience training program to do her PhD with us
Welcome Parijat!
Parijat is joining to work as Post-Doc with us
Congratulation Huiwen and Shanshan!
Baby shower for the happy future parents!
Welcome Vivian!
Vivian is joining the lab to do her MD-PhD with us and MDTP
Congratulation Ebru!
After one year of work in the lab, Ebru got accepted to MDTP to do her phD with us!
Holidays lab dinner
Happy Holidays from all of us!
Welcome Jacob
Welcome to Jacob, he is joining us to do his PhD work.
Welcome Prithvi
Prithvi is joining us today as Lab assistant to help us in the lab
Congratulation Santiago!
Gut-microbiota membership is associated with diverse neuropsychological outcomes, including substance use disorders (SUDs). Here, we use mice colonized with Citrobacter rodentium or the human γ-Proteobacteria commensal Escherichia coli HS as a model to examine the mechanistic interactions between gut …